St Fillan's Primary School and Nursery Class
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All pupils in P4-7 have a username and a password which gives them access to Glow.

Glow is Scotland’s nationally available digital environment for learning. 

A Glow account provides access to a number of web services and resources that allow pupils to create, collaborate and innovate.

Pupils accessing Glow also access Microsoft Ofice 365 (Email) and can access all components of Microsoft Office without any cost.

Pupils can upload files to share between home and school.

Sites for Fun and Education

Sites listed below are used in classroom learning.


Topmarks  - particularly good for learning about early number e.g. formation of numerals, counting and ordering etc.

BBC Schools Maths -  arange of games based learning sites for pupils 4-11 years.

Interactive Games - Stop the Clock is particularly good for learning about time.

Count On   -Great for playing games and learning.

Sumdog - Pupils in P 2-7 have their own Sumdog log-in. This means that they can access a wide range of Numeracy and Mathematics learning approprite to their level of progression. Every so often, local and national competitions are



Wordle - Word cloud creator that can be applied to phoneme learning, spelling word list or interdisciplinary learning.



Coding with Star Wars - P3 pupils used this to build a galaxy with code.

Code with Anna and Elsa - P2 and P3 pupils will soon use this site to code

Interdisciplinary Learning

Topic based Learning- Learning about Romans, WW2, Ancient Greece, Tudors, Romans Aztecs etc.? This is the site for you!



Health Promoting Schools - Explore the virual school, try out the fun games and quizzes and discover how you can help you and your school become healthier.